I am passionate about helping marriages and parents ready to
Let's get O.V.E.R. it to Parent and Partner to the Full!
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Parent or Partner Quick Reference PAGE
Learn how to balance the roles and find your focus.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
Are you struggling to balance the demands of marriage and parenting? Do you feel overwhelmed and like you cannot succeed in either role? Do you desire to stop the tug-of-war within yourself?
Parent or Partner addresses the genuine struggle of this balancing act in a culture that says you need to be everything and do everything so your children can have everything.
Author Sally Livingston uses her years of experience strengthening marriages and educating parents to bring practical solutions to this tension.
Prepare to learn
How to assess your current role focus.
What causes the imbalance of roles.
How to move from a V to a T marriage.
How to parent with the "end in mind."
You can balance your marriage and family; put the roles in order and end the tension beginning today!

"I created the O.V.E.R. process to help people just like you move forward with clarity, confidence, and courage."
- Sally

Sally Livingston, author, speaker, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is passionate about helping people move from where they are stuck to where they want to be in life with grace and purpose. Sally says, "Assisting my clients to embrace a life of abundance past the painful experiences and relationships that create barriers to their God-given purpose is the most incredible "job" in the world!"
Sally has been investing in marriages and helping parents for over 30 years and is more enthused about the work today than when she started! Her company, Life to the Full aims to help people in all phases and stages of life to experience the freedom Christ came to give.
What Others Are Saying

Mark Lesher
Executive Pastor,
Christ Journey Church
"Sally is a gifted speaker. If you are looking for someone to lead marriage and family events, staff development or care ministry formation, please let me commend her to you."

Lilibeth Garcia
Founder, The Legacy Ministries
"Sally has a poised approach which brings confidence to any group she partners with. She makes organizations and relationships stronger."

M & C
Married Couple
“Sally brought my wife and I 'home'. The tools she shared with us helped return our relationship to the beautiful, supportive and loving place it had once been.”