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We take classes and have to pass a test to drive a car and, in some cases, even to own a pet. We spend much of our early life studying and testing to prove we have mastered the material. We are constantly challenged to prove ourselves ready. Somehow, we are supposed to know when it comes to parenting. This most sacred challenge in life is often left to guesswork, trial, and error.


God does everything on purpose - He is not haphazard, random, or unintentional. As the perfect parent, He is our model. We are wise to follow His model and parent on purpose, to understand our role at every stage, and to keep the desired outcome in mind along the way.


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Take the necessary time to process how you were parented and how it impacted you. If you don't, you are bound to repeat it.


Expect your child to behave like a child. The power is in the prediction. Don't be surprised;

instead, be ready!



Understand your role at each stage and set goals for your growth in each one. Learn your role and enjoy the roller coaster ride of parenting!

Prioritize your partner. The health of your marriage impacts your kids greatly. Whatever is going on in the marriage is the "rain" coming down on your children.


Help your children know their perfect and permanent parent, God! You are the temp parent; He will be with them forever. You give no greater gift than making it easy for them to know and accept Him as their Father.

  • The 5 Keys to Creating Purpose

  • The  Parent Partner Pull Role Assessment  - How to tell which role is the focus

  • The Parenting Roller Coaster Continuum PDF

  • 6 Outcomes of Overparenting PDF

  • BONUS: LIVE Q & A Session with Sally to engage with the material


INVESTMENT IS $479 Single Payment or $80 Weekly

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Melinda, FL

I feel better equipped to respond to my child's needs with patience and understanding, fostering a nurturing environment conducive to their growth and development.Thank you again, Sally !!


Sandra, FL

As a parent navigating the intricate journey of raising children, I embarked on the Parenting on Purpose Course with both curiosity and hope. I can confidently say that it exceeded all my expectations, offering invaluable insights and practical tools that have transformed my approach to parenting.

Amanda, NC

Sally’s wealth of knowledge and genuine passion for empowering parents, guided me through each module with empathy and expertise. Her ability to blend research-backed strategies with real-life anecdotes made the material relatable and accessible. Furthermore, the course equipped me with a deeper understanding of child development and behavior. I gained invaluable insights into the underlying factors shaping my child's actions and reactions. Armed with this knowledge, I feel better equipped to respond to my child's needs with patience and understanding, fostering a nurturing environment conducive to their growth and development.Thank you again, Sally !!


Learn the 5 Keys to move from power-struggle parenting to peace and purpose!

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